Monday, November 22, 2021

Virtual "Everway: the Great Return" Game at Con of the North 2022


Con of the North, one of the larger gaming conventions in the upper Midwest, will be happening February 18-20. The convention will have both in-person and virtual tracks. I plan to run several games in the virtual track, one of which is Everway-Silver Anniversary Edition.

My game is scheduled for 8 AM-12 Noon on Saturday, February 19th. I'll be using the convention's Discord server for all of my games. The time is kind of early, which is OK with me, and probably works well for some international gamers.

If you are interested in playing, your first step is to register at the convention site. Scroll down until you see the Virtual section, and you will see that a virtual registration costs $5. Very soon, you should be able to select events. My event is listed here: 

I will also be GMing the new Dune RPG, co-GMing a Tekumel game session, and running the Lex Arcana RPG. So it will be a very busy weekend. 

I will post my entire schedule of events at the FATE SF blog (later today or tomorrow). 

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